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over 3 years ago


What town are you commenting on?


What street are you commenting on?

Ayr high street

What barriers are preventing you from observing physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops?

• Pavement parking/clutter

How critical do you think the barrier is?


Which of these temporary measures would help you to observe physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops and services? (Select all that apply)

• Extend footway by restricting parking/loading

Any other comments relating to physical distancing in this location?

There’s plenty of room to move freely if the area from the Wallace tower to M&S was kept clear of vans and cars that are constantly parked there. Signs outside everywhere is a waste of money, we are outside in the fresh air & wearing masks to go into shops. Signs will not stop people who ignore the rules anyway.

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over 3 years ago


What town are you commenting on?


What street are you commenting on?

High Street

What barriers are preventing you from observing physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops?

• Footway too narrow

• 'Open air shops' such as the greengrocer thing up over half the lane by the Wallace Tower, and the metal barriers that seem to live there.

How critical do you think the barrier is?


Which of these temporary measures would help you to observe physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops and services? (Select all that apply)

• Enforce parking restrictions

• Restrict or suspend parking

• Extend footway by restricting parking/loading

• Temporary physical distancing signage

• Marked waiting area outside shops

• Although Disabled parking should NOT be suspended but rather increased.

Any other comments relating to physical distancing in this location?

Suspend all motorised traffic for the duration of the pandemic all along the High Street.

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almost 4 years ago


What town are you commenting on?


What street are you commenting on?

Main Street

What barriers are preventing you from observing physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops?

• Limited space to queue outside shop

• Footway too narrow

• Limited space to queue at bus stop

How critical do you think the barrier is?


Any other comments relating to physical distancing in this location?

If you wish to do more than just pay lip service to active travel, you must take it seriously and provide more opportunities for people who want to walk and cycle to town centres. Prestwick Main Street has a fantastic selection of independent shops yet I don't often go there as it's seriously unpleasant with the constant flow of heavy traffic totally ruining it. It's impossible to have a conversation, difficult to cross the road and just all round off-putting. Evidence shows that opening up town centres to pedestrians instead of vehicles actually boosts businesses as it creates a nice environment and encourages people in linger in pavement cafes and other businesses. Evidence also shows that business owners dramatically overestimate the amount of trade which comes from people driving through towns. That's because they drive though without stopping in most cases. And increasing parking is not a sensible option - more cars would increase the problem, not solve it.

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almost 4 years ago


What town are you commenting on?


What street are you commenting on?

Main Street at Prestwick Toll (shops between Waterloo St and Heathfield Road

What barriers are preventing you from observing physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops?

• Footway too narrow

• Limited space to queue at bus stop

• Limited space to queue outside shop

• Limited/no cycle parking

How critical do you think the barrier is?


Which of these temporary measures would help you to observe physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops and services? (Select all that apply)

• New cycle parking

• Extend footway by restricting parking/loading

• Enforce parking restrictions

Any other comments relating to physical distancing in this location?

Impossible to observe distancing on narrow pavement outside row of shops with small doorways. Have felt uncomfortably close when walking past groups of people standing to queue outside shops. Busy location with post office/pharmacy, baker, sandwich shop, barber etc. No cycle parking nearby doesn't help as nowhere to park bike safely without further blocking pavement.

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almost 4 years ago


What town are you commenting on?


What street are you commenting on?

Dalrymple Street

What barriers are preventing you from observing physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops?

• Pavement parking/clutter

• Limited/no cycle parking

• Footway too narrow

How critical do you think the barrier is?


Which of these temporary measures would help you to observe physical distancing whilst accessing or passing local shops and services? (Select all that apply)

• Extend footway by restricting parking/loading

• Restrict or suspend parking

• Enforce parking restrictions

• New cycle parking

Any other comments relating to physical distancing in this location?

It is almost impossible for pedestrians to keep distanced in Dalrymple Street without stepping into the road and i think the proposals would be a good idea and make the area more people friendly. Cycling in Dalrymple Street is at present dangerous and installing a cycle lane plus bike rack would make using a bike to access the shops so much safer, encourage more people to leave their cars at home. Please also give consideration to allowing two way cycling in Dalrymple Street.

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